How to upload your package to the Python Package Index (PyPI) test server

Python packages are distributed via the Python Package Index (PyPI). The Python Packaging Guide provides details for uploading your project to PyPI. However the packaging guide is missing instructions for uploading to the PyPI test server. This is recommended as a trial run for uploading a new version of your package, since you upload a given version of your project only once. You can use the test server to e.g. verify your README renders correctly.

Assuming you have finished all the work on the new release of your project, written the release notes, increased the version number, tagged the release and are ready to publish, follow theses steps:

  1. If you haven’t yet, create accounts on PyPI and the PyPI test server. Note that these accounts are entirely independent, however you may want to use the same username (but different passwords, of course).

  2. For security reasons it is strongly recommended to create an API token instead of using your username and password when uploading a package to PyPI. If you haven’t done so, create an API token on both PyPI and the PyPI test server.

    You can choose to restrict this token to only a single package, which you should definitely do if you use the API token e.g. in a CI/CD workflow. For your personal use I suggest you leave the token unrestricted, since there is no good workflow for switching between multiple API tokens.

    Note that the API token will only be displayed once when you create it, so make sure you copy the token. If you forget to do that, revoke and create a new one.

  3. Create a .pypirc file in your home directory to store your API tokens for authentication when uploading, with the following content:

    username = __token__
    password = pypi-AgEIcH...
    username = __token__
    password = pypi-AgENdG...
  4. If you haven’t done so, install twine: pip install --upgrade twine.

  5. Create a source distribution and a wheel for your package:

    python sdist bdist_wheel
  6. Run twine check on your package files and ensure they pass:

    $ twine check dist/*
    Checking dist/dokuwikixmlrpc-2020.5.23-py2.py3-none-any.whl: PASSED
    Checking dist/dokuwikixmlrpc-2020.5.23.tar.gz: PASSED

    This command will report any problems rendering your README.

  7. Upload your packages to the PyPI test server:

    twine upload --repository testpypi dist/*

    You should not be prompted for a username or password, since those are configure in your .pypirc. When successful, this should print the URL of your package on the test server:

    Uploading distributions to
    Uploading dokuwikixmlrpc-2020.5.23-py2.py3-none-any.whl
    100%|████████████████████████████| 10.1k/10.1k [00:01<00:00, 5.23kB/s]
    Uploading dokuwikixmlrpc-2020.5.23.tar.gz
    100%|████████████████████████████| 9.63k/9.63k [00:01<00:00, 9.39kB/s]
    View at:

    Verify everything is as you expect e.g. there are no rendering errors.

  8. Upload your packages to PyPI, fo realz:

    twine upload dist/*

    You should not be prompted for a username or password, since those are configure in your .pypirc. When successful, you should see output similar to the above.

Congratulations! You’ve done it! You package is now available to the world 🎉

About the author:

Site Reliability Engineer at Google in Zürich, Switzerland. Former Computational Scientist at ECMWF in Reading, UK. PhD from Imperial College. Public speaker. Feminist. Pythonista. Cyclist. Open source contributor & maintainer. Hobbyist photographer. PyData London co-founder.