1 Department of Computing, Imperial College London
2 Grantham Institute for Climate Change, Imperial College London
3 EPCC, University of Edinburgh
UFL is the Unified Form Language from the FEniCS project.
e = FiniteElement('CG', 'triangle', 1)
v = TestFunction(e)
u = TrialFunction(e)
f = Coefficient(e)
lmbda = 1
a = (dot(grad(v), grad(u)) - lmbda * v * u) * dx
L = v*f*dx
The FEniCS Form Compiler FFC compiles UFL forms to low-level code.
// A - local tensor to assemble
// x - local coordinates
// j, k - 2D indices into the local assembly matrix
void kernel(double A[1][1], double *x[2],
int j, int k) {
// FE0 - Shape functions
// Dij - Shape function derivatives
// Kij - Jacobian inverse / determinant
// W3 - Quadrature weights
// det - Jacobian determinant
for (unsigned int ip = 0; ip < 3; ip++) {
A[0][0] += (FE0[ip][j] * FE0[ip][k] * (-1.0)
+ (((K00 * D10[ip][j] + K10 * D01[ip][j]))
*((K00 * D10[ip][k] + K10 * D01[ip][k]))
+ ((K01 * D10[ip][j] + K11 * D01[ip][j]))
*((K01 * D10[ip][k] + K11 * D01[ip][k]))
)) * W3[ip] * det;
import firedrake as fd
from firedrake.ufl import *
# Read a mesh and define function space
mesh = fd.Mesh('filename')
V = fd.FunctionSpace(mesh, "Lagrange", 1)
# Set up the mathematical model
u = TrialFunction(V)
v = TestFunction(V)
lmbda = 1
a = (dot(grad(v), grad(u)) - lmbda * v * u) * dx
L = v * f * dx
# Solve the resulting finite-element equation
fd.solve(a == L, u)
PyOP2: performance portability for any unstructured mesh computations, not limited to FEM!
Use PyOP2 kernel for re-normalising a vector field
void vec_norm(double *u)
const double n = sqrt(u[0]*u[0]+u[1]*u[1]);
u[0] /= n;
u[1] /= n;
vec_norm = op2.Kernel(vec_norm_code, "vec_norm")
op2.par_loop(vec_norm, nodes,
u(op2.IdentityMap, op2.RW))
Contact: Florian Rathgeber, @frathgeber f.rathgeber@imperial.ac.uk
What goes on behind the scenes of the solve
call (simplified example!):
from pyop2 import op2, ffc_interface
def solve(equation, x):
# Generate kernels for matrix and rhs assembly
lhs = ffc_interface.compile_form(equation.lhs, "lhs")[0]
rhs = ffc_interface.compile_form(equation.rhs, "rhs")[0]
# Omitted: extract coordinates (coords), connectivity (elem_node)
# and coefficients (tracer t, velocity u)
# Construct OP2 matrix to assemble into
sparsity = op2.Sparsity((elem_node, elem_node), sparsity_dim)
mat = op2.Mat(sparsity, numpy.float64)
b = op2.Dat(nodes, np.zeros(nodes.size))
# Assemble lhs, rhs and solve linear system
op2.par_loop(lhs, elements(3,3),
mat((elem_node[op2.i[0]], elem_node[op2.i[1]]), op2.INC),
coords(elem_node, op2.READ))
op2.par_loop(rhs, elements(3),
b(elem_node[op2.i[0]], op2.INC),
coords(elem_node, op2.READ),
t(elem_node, op2.READ),
u(elem_node, op2.READ))
op2.solve(mat, x, b)