
PhD research

I was a research assistant in the Software Performance Optimisation Group in the Department of Computing at Imperial College London. My supervisors were Dr. David A. Ham and Prof. Paul H.J. Kelly and I was funded by EPSRC Grant EP/L000407/1. My PhD research was funded by EPSRC Grant EP/I00677X/1.

My research was mostly concerned with delivering high-level tools in the hands of scientists, allowing them to work very productively and run simulations efficiently on a range of modern multi- and many-core platforms.

I was a lead developer of PyOP2, a framework for performance-portable parallel computations on unstructured meshes, and Firedrake, an automated system for the portable solution of partial differential equations using the finite element method (FEM), built on top of PyOP2. Both of these projects are open source.

Research objective

Delivering generic and efficient computational solvers for partial-differential equations through automated code synthesis from a high-level problem description down to a highly optimised parallel implementation specifically tailored to the target hardware.

Research interests

  • Domain-specific languages and compilers for partial differential equations
  • Finite Element assembly on multi- and many-core architectures
  • Automated runtime code generation from high-level specifications