I have been teaching various courses at university and otherwise, in particular Python:
- Instructor, Python beginner’s course, ECMWF
- Tutor, Software Carpentry Bootcamp, UCL.
- Tutor, FEniCS training workshop, June 29, 2012, Imperial College London.
- Tutor, Fluidity Training Course, Imperial College London.
- Tutor, Linux Introduction for ESE Students, Imperial College London.
- Demonstrator, ESE 3.08 Programming for Geoscientists, Imperial College London.
- Demonstrator, ESE 3.09 Numerical methods 1, Imperial College London.
- Demonstrator, ESE 3.23 Graphics and Statistics for Geoscientists, Imperial College London.
- Demonstrator, ESE 4.02 Maths methods 4, Imperial College London.