Save all voicebox messages from your FRITZ!Box 7530 router

My parents’ FRITZ!Box 7530 (FRITZ!OS version 7.57) voicebox had “filled up” and before clearing all messages I was looking for a way to download all of them as a backup.

There is no really convenient way to do this in the web UI (there were close to 200 messages, some dating back more than 4 years), so I resorted to JavaScript to print a list of curl commands to download each message as a .wav file.

Messages are listed in a table with the following format:

<tr class="thead">
    <th class="sortable"></th>
    <th class="sortable sort_by_date">Date<span class="sort_no">&nbsp;</span></th>
    <th class="sortable">Name/Number<span class="sort_no">&nbsp;</span></th>
    <th class="sortable">Your Number<span class="sort_no">&nbsp;</span></th>
    <th class="sortable">Duration<span class="sort_no">&nbsp;</span></th>
    <td class="newicon" datalabel="28.12.23 16:00">&nbsp;</td>
    <td>28.12.23 16:00</td>
    <td datalabel="Name/Number">Caller's Name</td>
    <td datalabel="Your Number">1234</td>
    <td datalabel="Dauer">&lt; 1 Min</td>
    <td class="btncolumn" datalabel="">
        <button type="submit" class="icon fon_book" id="" name="" value="" title="" disabled=""><img src="/assets/icons/ic_fonbook_add.svg" alt=""></button>
        <a class="download icon" href="/cgi-bin/luacgi_notimeout?sid=<session uuid>&amp;script=%2Flua%2Fphoto.lua&amp;myabfile=%2Fdata%2Ftam%2Frec%2F<recording id>">
            <button type="submit" class="icon audio" id="play_1" name="play" value="1" title="Play message/Save">
                <img src="/assets/icons/ic_triangle_right_blue.svg" alt="Play message/Save">
            <audio preload="auto"></audio>
        <button type="submit" class="icon delete" id="delete_1" name="delete" value="1" title="Delete"></button>

We want to ignore the header row and for every subsequent row, get the date and the caller’s name or number, to build a meaningful file name for the to-be-downloaded .wav file, and the URL of the link. The link points to a script that emits the raw WAV audio as a binary stream.

This is a quick & dirty piece of JavaScript to paste into the JavaScript console of Chrome’s Developer tools (keyboard shortcut Ctrl-Shift-I) to generate a list of curl invocations to download each message with a useful file name:

console.log(Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('table#uiTamCalls tr:not(.thead)')).map(e => {
    return `curl -s -o "${e.childNodes[1].innerText} ${e.childNodes[2].innerText}.wav" '${e.querySelector('a').href}'`;

My initial attempt was downloading the file via the browser by invoking .click() on each link, however that turned out to work less well as Chrome doesn’t really like downloading files over a non-secure connection, requires you to allow multiple simultaneous downloads via a popup box and even if you do, will only download 10 files at a time.

YMMV if you have a different FRITZ!Box model or FRITZ!OS version, however I’d expect a similar approach should still work.

Commands to replace the deprecated `apt-key` script

apt-key is deprecated, however there is no replacement available, neither does the man page document how to replace the commands apt-key provides. Here is my attempt.

Note: gpg will by default create new keyrings in the (new) “GPG keybox database version 1”, whereas apt expects them in the (legacy) “PGP/GPG key public ring (v4)” format. Specify the prefix gnupg-ring: for the keyring file to make gpg use the legacy v4 format.

apt-key list

This commands lists all keys stored in /etc/apt/trusted.gpg and any .gpg or .asc files in /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d.

for f in /etc/apt/trusted.gpg /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/*.{asc,gpg}; do
  gpg --list-keys --keyid-format short --no-default-keyring --keyring $f

apt-key adv

This command is used to download a key and store it in the “right” keyring. apt-key adv merges all keyrings into one, downloads the new key(s) and then merges back the changes. No need to replicate this setup.

Updating an expired key

If you’re updating an expired key, write it to the same keyring, replacing the expired key. To find any keyrings containing an expired key, run the following:

for f in /etc/apt/trusted.gpg /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/*.{asc,gpg}; do
  $(gpg --list-keys --no-default-keyring --keyring $f | fgrep -iq expired) && echo "Expired key in $f"

Once you’ve identified the keyring and key ID, download the new key:

sudo gpg --recv-keys --no-default-keyring --keyring=gnupg-ring:/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/<FILENAME>.gpg --keyserver <KEY_ID>

Downloading a new key

When downloading a new key, create a new keyring in /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d. Note that on recent versions of gpg, this keyring will be in “GPG keybox database version 1” format, which is incompatible with apt-key.

Choose a suitable filename for the new keyring and download the key:

sudo gpg --recv-keys --no-default-keyring --keyring=gnupg-ring:/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/<FILENAME>.kbx --keyserver <KEY_ID>

How to create a transcript of a Google Support chat

When you interact with Google Support via chat, you can ask for a transcript of the conversation to be sent to you. That transcript is in PDF format though. If that’s not suitable for you or you forgot to request a transcript, there is a way out.

Open the chat in its own pop-out window via the arrow icon on the right of the blue header bar. Then open the Chrome developer console (Ctrl-Shift-J), paste the following JavaScript code and hit enter to copy a transcript of the conversation to your clipboard.

const copyToClipboard = str => {
  const el = document.createElement('textarea');
  el.value = str;

copyToClipboard(Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.chatsupport_cbf_qb')).map(e => {
  t = new Date(parseInt(e.getAttribute('ts'))).toISOString();
  if (e.querySelector('.systemMessageUserWrapper')) {
    return `[${t}] ${e.querySelector('.systemMessageUserWrapper').innerText}`;
  } else {
      n = e.querySelector('.chatsupport_cbf_rb').getAttribute('aria-label');
      m = e.querySelector('.chatsupport_cbf_ob').innerText;
      return `[${t}][${n}]: ${m}`;

How to upload your package to the Python Package Index (PyPI) test server

Python packages are distributed via the Python Package Index (PyPI). The Python Packaging Guide provides details for uploading your project to PyPI. However the packaging guide is missing instructions for uploading to the PyPI test server. This is recommended as a trial run for uploading a new version of your package, since you upload a given version of your project only once. You can use the test server to e.g. verify your README renders correctly.

Assuming you have finished all the work on the new release of your project, written the release notes, increased the version number, tagged the release and are ready to publish, follow theses steps:

  1. If you haven’t yet, create accounts on PyPI and the PyPI test server. Note that these accounts are entirely independent, however you may want to use the same username (but different passwords, of course).

  2. For security reasons it is strongly recommended to create an API token instead of using your username and password when uploading a package to PyPI. If you haven’t done so, create an API token on both PyPI and the PyPI test server.

    You can choose to restrict this token to only a single package, which you should definitely do if you use the API token e.g. in a CI/CD workflow. For your personal use I suggest you leave the token unrestricted, since there is no good workflow for switching between multiple API tokens.

    Note that the API token will only be displayed once when you create it, so make sure you copy the token. If you forget to do that, revoke and create a new one.

  3. Create a .pypirc file in your home directory to store your API tokens for authentication when uploading, with the following content:

    username = __token__
    password = pypi-AgEIcH...
    username = __token__
    password = pypi-AgENdG...
  4. If you haven’t done so, install twine: pip install --upgrade twine.

  5. Create a source distribution and a wheel for your package:

    python sdist bdist_wheel
  6. Run twine check on your package files and ensure they pass:

    $ twine check dist/*
    Checking dist/dokuwikixmlrpc-2020.5.23-py2.py3-none-any.whl: PASSED
    Checking dist/dokuwikixmlrpc-2020.5.23.tar.gz: PASSED

    This command will report any problems rendering your README.

  7. Upload your packages to the PyPI test server:

    twine upload --repository testpypi dist/*

    You should not be prompted for a username or password, since those are configure in your .pypirc. When successful, this should print the URL of your package on the test server:

    Uploading distributions to
    Uploading dokuwikixmlrpc-2020.5.23-py2.py3-none-any.whl
    100%|████████████████████████████| 10.1k/10.1k [00:01<00:00, 5.23kB/s]
    Uploading dokuwikixmlrpc-2020.5.23.tar.gz
    100%|████████████████████████████| 9.63k/9.63k [00:01<00:00, 9.39kB/s]
    View at:

    Verify everything is as you expect e.g. there are no rendering errors.

  8. Upload your packages to PyPI, fo realz:

    twine upload dist/*

    You should not be prompted for a username or password, since those are configure in your .pypirc. When successful, you should see output similar to the above.

Congratulations! You’ve done it! You package is now available to the world 🎉

Analysing Parliamentary Questions Answered at Accountability Hack 2015

A very frosty November weekend marked the end of Parliament Week and the fifth anniversary of the Accountability Hack, originally named UK Parliament Hack, organised by Tracy Green from the Parliament Digital Service, Nick Halliday from the National Audit Office and Terry Makewell from the Office for National Statistics with very active support from the RebelUncut crew.

Hackers and “armchair auditors” were invited to tackle four different challenges using a diverse set of open data sources:

  • NAO: Use spend data and any other data set to improve accountability.
  • Parliament: Best use of linked data to improve accountability.
  • ONS: Use the ONS OpenAPI to improve accountability.
  • Wildcard: Use any three open data sets to improve accountability.

Many prospective participants were deterred by either the freezing cold or by issues with public transport, so not that many heard Meg Hillier MP give the introductory address. After that, ideas were thrown around and teams started forming. I joined Natalia, Mina and Emma, a brilliant trio who were working on a visualisation of Parliamentary Questions Answered and were looking for some help with crunching the data and classifying the quality of answers.

We first of all needed to pull all data from the Parliament’s Linked Data API in JSON format. Downloading all 63000 questions in batches of 500 (which is the maximum batch size the API allows unfortunately) by hand was of course not an option, so I started by implementing a download script in Python. Pulling down all questions took several hours due to the rather poor performance of the API.

In the evening, Kevin ran a very entertaining round of the MLH !LIGHT challenge, where each contestant has 15 minutes to re-create a given website (in our case it was the bootstrap front page) using a very bare bones browser based editor with no syntax highlighting or auto completion. No navigating away from the tab to bring up help and you don’t get to see a rendered preview of your creation until after you submitted.

The overnight stay at the NAO was again quite comfortable and we could use a shower in the morning. My team from the Saturday did sadly not come back, however John Sandall, a good friend and brilliant data scientist, arrived in time for breakfast. We discussed classifying answer quality with an N-gram analysis using a list of previously identified phrases commonly used to defer questions. An alternative would be training a text analysis model on the entire text corpus based on a training set of manually classified answers.

Before getting to work on that we needed to transform the raw data into a suitable form and identify which attributes were relevant for our analysis. Halfway through doing that I realised the answer text was missing from the data and found out it was due to passing a query parameter to the API (_view=all), which included extra fields, but left out the actual answer data. By that point it was unrealistic to be able to rerun the entire download in time for show & tell.

John did however still manage to run some statistical analysis on the data to answer many interesting questions. Meanwhile I turned my download script into a “proper” Python package using PyScaffold, uploaded the package to PyPI and the documentation to Read the Docs - just in time for going up on stage!

Quite a few extra spectators came along to attend the show & tell with a rather impressive lineup of 16 projects! I was on stage twice: First to present the results of our analysis of “Any Questions Answered?”, which had revealed some interesting insights. Jim Shannon MP asked the most questions, the Department of Health had to answer the most. The Foreign & Commonwealth Office was the slowest to respond. Nick Clegg’s questions were ignored the longest and the Prime Minister referred the highest proportion of questions. With more time to build up a training set by categorising some questions manually e.g. for quality or difficulty, we could have trained a Bayes classifier for the entire corpus.

Later I went on stage again to present DDPy, a command line interface to interact with the Parliament Linked Data API, which had evolved out of my download script to pull the Parliamentary Questions Answered. I decided to solve this once and for all and, wrote a generic downloader in Python and put it on PyPI. Now anyone can easily download any data set after a simple

pip install ddpkuk

The judges apparently came away quite impressed with both our presentations since we received an honourable mention for the “Best Analysis of Parliamentary Data” for Any Questions Answered? and the “Best Tool for the Community” for DDPy. As if that wasn’t enough, I was quite touched for also being awarded a “Community Spirit Prize”. It was (and continues to be) an honour and pleasure serving the community!

Any Questions Answered?

DDPy - for Humans

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